Nikkei Dataset
Get the most out of Nikkei's accurate dataset.
Nikkei Indexes
The Nikkei 225 is the most widely followed index of the Japanese stock markets.
As the calculators of the Nikkei indices, we provide data of the highest accuracy for index benchmarking and tracking; daily constituent pricing, weights, number of outstanding shares, index divisor and index value.
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Equities and Fixed Income Data
Nikkei provides extensive data on stock price and indicators for all companies listed on all the Japanese stock markets
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Nikkei provides up to date information on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange for Industry and Osaka Dojima Commodity Exchange.
NEEDS has detailed files on all commodities appearing in The Nikkei (daily newspaper) and The Nikkei Business Daily.
NEEDS has detailed files on all commodities appearing in The Nikkei (daily newspaper) and The Nikkei Business Daily.
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Corporate Fundamentals
With an unbeaten reputation for quality, Nikkei provides a wealth of information contained in the Tanshin and Yuho corporate financial reports, which are led up to 45 days after the end of each scale quarter by all companies listed on the Japanese stock markets.
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Corporate Governance Evaluation System
Approximately 150 indicators of corporate governance related data such as management supervision system, return of profits to shareholders, performance and capital efficiency, are recorded for all listed companies.
Strongly support the governance analysis of institutional investors and analysts.
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Macroeconomics and Financial Data
Vast amount of macroeconomic data compiled by Nikkei analysts and gathered from various government departments, the Bank of Japan and international organisations such as the IMF.
The macroeconomic data available through NEEDS allows capturing a state of the Japanese economy as a whole.
The macroeconomic data available through NEEDS allows capturing a state of the Japanese economy as a whole.
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Industrial Statistics
Nikkei’s Industrial Statistics data containing information on energy consumption, current production statistics and industrial output data, all of which are provided in a consistent format to enable accurate comparison of data over the years.
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Region and Population
Detailed breakdowns of economic and household consumption activity by region, prefecture, city, town and village throughout Japan.
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Nikkei News Articles
The Nikkei newspaper articles that have been monitoring the entire Japanese economy for over a century are suitable for long-term and ultra-long-term trend analysis. It is possible to extract macro insights about the number of booms and recessions.
Whether listed or unlisted, the articles and breaking news from the Nikkei are the ones that can collect the most corporate activities in Japan.
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Nikkei Alternative Data
Improvements in data analysis technology have enabled the utilization of alternative data for investment. Nikkei's Alternative Data brings new insights into the Japanese market.
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Overseas Information
Overseas macroeconomic statistics and information provided by IMF, OECD and DRI enables detailed research into economic conditions of countries of the world.
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