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Nikkei Alternative Data

Insights into the Japanese market


Nikkei Alternative Data can gain new insights about the Japanese market through the following methods:
Alternative Data for Your Decision Making
Generate Unique Investment Ideas
Finding investment destination
Due diligence on the investment candidate
Market trend analysis
Management support and strategy planning for investment destination
Corporate KPI Forecast
Data Source for Automated Transactions
Forecast Quarterly Sales Promptly and Accurately

Nikkei POS

The latest purchasing data in Japan.
Trend Analysis
Sentiment Analysis
Track Company News and Events More Efficiently
Power Your Investment Strategies
Gain Insights into Who Owns What Company
Strategic Plan of M&A
Better Model Decisions

In More Details

Market trend analysis

Clients can research “Growing market/Shrinking market” from among about 2,000 categories. By breaking down sales trend for each product of the growing market, clients can search for a reason of market growth.

Due diligence on the investment candidate

The high reporting speed of Nikkei POS makes it possible to ascertain the actual strength of a company as of now that can not be seen by financial information alone.
POS sales data also enables clients to foresee the content of a company’s financial statements before disclosing.

Forecast Quarterly Sales Promptly and Accurately

Prior to the earnings seasons, hedge funds can be ahead of other investors (in terms of short term quarterly sales forecasts) by utilising Nikkei POS, enabling you to access timely and accurate sales forecasts within a 3% margin of error.

Generate Unique Investment Ideas

Use our unique and reliable data to drive investment ideas. Nikkei POS data enables institutional investors with long term and concentrated investment strategies to precisely scrutinise the results of advertisements for new items in the food and daily necessities sector.

Trend Analysis

The Nikkei newspaper articles that have been monitoring the entire Japanese economy for over a century are suitable for long-term and ultra-long-term trend analysis.

It is possible to extract macro insights about the number of booms and recessions. Whether listed or unlisted, the articles and breaking news from the Nikkei are the ones that can collect the most corporate activities in Japan.

Sentiment Analysis

You can extract sentiment regarding a specific issue from market-related news and company articles that the Nikkei Group frequently sends, and use it as a data source for machine transactions.
Unlike text data such as SNS, it is quick and accurate, and structured to a certain extent, so model building can be performed relatively easily.

Strategic Plan of M&A

The information provided by ownership and corporate governance intelligence gives shareholders the power to evaluate potential difficulties of M&A for targeted companies.

Power Your Investment Strategies

Gain the competitive edge when you analyse companies and define investment strategies, via the use of critical and company specific data such as footnotes, segment data, industry (specific operating) metrics and financial ratios, all provided with unrivalled history.

Related Sites

QUICK - Extensive Economic Data of Nikkei Group
Nikkei Inc. and QUICK bring together the strengths of the group to provide information on domestic and overseas finance. By providing the group data as a one-stop service, you can obtain the data that meets your needs in the shortest time.

Nikkei Dataset Line-Up

Nikkei Indexes

Equities and Fixed Income Data


Corporate Fundamentals

Corporate Governance Evaluation System

Macroeconomics and Financial Data

Industrial Statistics

Region and Population

Nikkei News Articles

Nikkei Alternative Data

Overseas Information

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